How often do you hold the Poulsbo Beer Run?

Twice a Year. The first PBR is for St Paddy’s it’s the closest Saturday to St. Patrick’s Day. The second PBR is Oktoberfest either the last Saturday in September or first Saturday of October. Follow us on Facebook.

When does registration start for each PBR?

 Our goal is to open the registration by mid-January for St Paddy’s and the first of August for Oktoberfest.

What time does the PBR start?

PBR starts at 9AM, yep you’re drinking a beer at 9AM and the tabs on your bib expire at 1PM.

I need to cancel, how do I get a refund?

We will happily refund your registration prior to the deadline. Just email DataBar using the email received when registering…BUT please also copy the Event Director ([email protected])


Find a friend that can take your place…they MUST be over 21 and must sign waiver during package pickup while check in with the Event Director. You will need to also forward the emails you receive the week of the Event.

What did that release of liability statement say when I registered?

I, individually, (and/or registering for others- friends or spouse) for consideration of acceptance of this entry to Poulsbo Beer Run, do hereby release, remise, waive, and forever discharge the Poulsbo Beer Run and run locations, along with any other supporting groups for this said running/walking event, together with all their officers, volunteers, and bar staff employees, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of, or relating to any injury, illness, loss or damage, including death, relating to participating in the aforesaid event. I further state that I am in the proper physical condition to participate in this event. I also agree that if any part of the entire program is canceled for any reason that all entry fees are nonrefundable. I understand that the course will be run on “Live Roads.” I will obey all traffic laws while running on the course. I agree that any images/photos/videos taken of me participating in this event may be used by the event director for any purpose. I also attest that I will not bring anyone under the age of 21 and no one that has not registered for this event.  If I choose to have a Designated Driver (DD) participate in this event he/she is over the age of 21 and will not consume any alcohol. The DD must wear their PBR bracelet at all times to receive FREE soda.No one under the age of 21 is permitted at the Event!!  If a minor is accompanying you during this event, you will be asked to leave and also banned from participating in future Poulsbo Beer Runs. NO exceptions!!!

Is there a maximum number of registrations?

6Yes, each PBR is limited to the first 1,500 registered, so register early.

Is there a map of the course?

Yes, they’re maps at each stop that shows you the route to the next stop. The QR code on the map will add the map on your phone. You can also view the map here.

How long is the course?

The distance is 4.1 miles, there is no need to run you have 4 hours to walk 4 Miles.

Do I have to run/walk the entire course?

No, but the goal of the PBR is to be active (walking is active), enjoy our local beers and have a blast. We definitely don’t want you to drink more than you can handle though. BUT you do need to go back to your starting location to receive your finisher prize.

Is there a time limit for the course?

You can enjoy yourself throughout the course, but the Liquor Control Board requires that the bib beer tabs expire at 1:00pm.

Do I have to drink all the beers/ciders?

Absolutely NO, of course you do not need to drink all of your beer, you can also request a short pour.  But we do need you to go back to your starting location to receive your finisher prize. Drink only what you’re comfortable with, but we do recommend you try beer/cider at each location.

Please remember to go to your starting location for your finisher prize.

When is package pickup?

Package pickup is the Thursday and Friday prior to the Event, it’s at Slippery Pig Brewery from 4:00-7:00PM.

Is there “Day Of” Package Pickup?

Yes, but to help make Event Day smoother we prefer that you pick up your package early on either Thursday or Friday prior to Event Day from 4:00-7:00PM.

Can a friend pick up my package?

Yes, as long as you pick a trustworthy friend…after all these are YOUR beer tabs we’re talking about.

Can I have my well-behaved doggie join me?

 Yes this event is doggie friendly, HOWEVER there are a few exceptions…such as Envy (it’s a restaurant)and Slippery Pig, so it’ll need to stay outside there.

Can I order a COLLECTIBLE shirt on Event day if I did not order it when I registered?

No, but there will be a limited number of extra shirts available for sale. BUT please purchase them online prior to the deadline.

What’s the best way to find out the latest updates on the PBR?

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for any changes or updates on the event page.  Email updates are also sent from the PBR Director to all email addresses provided at registration.


Parking – Designated driver/carpooling/Uber are highly recommended

Rainy Daze (650 Bovela Lane): There is very little parking at Rainy Daze.  DO NOT park at the strip mall on the corner.

Echoes Brewing (19479 Viking Ave NW) Limited parking on-site.

Envy (19559 Viking Ave NW): There is plenty of parking behind Envy.  Please reserve front spaces for their restaurant patrons.

Overflow For Rainy Daze, Echoes and Envy: You can park in Fishline’s (787 NW Liberty Rd, Poulsbo, WA 98370) parking lot. It is located just north of Envy Bar & Grill on the same side of Viking Way.

Valhöll (18970 3rd Ave NE), Slippery Pig (18801 Front St NE)  & Western Red (19168 Jensen Way NE): You can park at the Waterfront Parking Lot behind the stores on Front St.  or on 3rd Ave near Valholl  or the City Hall parking garage.

Beer/cider size?

We are serving a total of 7 – 9 ounce beers/cider for a total of 63 ounces.

Can children attend, how about if they're in a stroller?

Unfortunately children are NOT allowed at this event. Please use this day as your adult play date…remember there’s alcohol involved and LOTS of people. So children (even in strollers) are no longer allowed at this Event. The WA Liquor Control Board requires all participants to be over the age of 21, they consider this the same as a beer garden event.

Why do I have to go back to where I started the PBR?

It’s IMPORTANT that you end at your starting location because there’s only the amount of finisher prizes for those registered at that location. PLUS we want you to experience the entire PBR, there’s fun at all the locations. Enjoy this is your day to play…

If I registered and now I can't make it, can I transfer it to my friend?

Yes, as long as they are over 21. However when they check in to pickup their packet they must tell the Run Director that they need to transfer the bib into their name and sign the waiver.  You need to forward the emails the week of the event to the participant, so they will have the up-to-date information. If there’s plenty of time prior to the Event, contact the Run Director and she can change the registration information to them.

Can my friend or my DD (Designated Driver) follow with me on the run?

NEW…this is a  “test” for the Oktoberfest 2024.  We will now accept DD’s to follow you during the Event. When you check in to pick up your package let us know that you’ll be bringing a DD and we will give you a wrist band for them to wear and recieve a FREE soda at each location.

OLD answer: No unless they’ve purchased a FULL price bib, even if they may not be drinking. The WA Liquor Control Board and the Insurance requires that each participant has registered for the event is over the age of 21 AND has signed a waiver.

Someone is selling their bib online, can I buy it?

No PLEASE DO NOT purchase a bib or try to sell your bib online. Do not purchase from anyone other than DataBar website or at package pickup. We’ve had participants get scammed with online bib sales. It is against the law to sell one of our bibs online, you must have an approved WA State Liquor Control Board event license in order to sell our bibs. PLEASE notify the Run Director of the online sale other than DataBar. If you purchase a bib from other than DataBar or at package pickup you will not have a Bib to participate.

I just signed up and now I want to switch Breweries, how can I do this?

If registration is open and custom bibs are still available, you may switch your starting location. Send an email to [email protected] or click on “Contact Us” here on our website, please provide the name of who needs to be moved the current starting location and the location you would like to change to. When registration is closed, your supplies are already delivered to your starting location, so please do not change your location. We want you to have the BEST experience EVER!!!

I just picked up my bib at package pickup, so what's this green mug for on my bib?

This green mug is for your finisher prize AND your last beer. When you’ve completed all 6 stops head to your starting location hand them your green mug to receive your last beer along with your finisher prize. DO NOT ask a stop other than your starting location for your finisher prize, you would be stealing from one of your drinking buddies on the PBR.

The Brewery is not serving the type of beer I want, can I buy one?

No. You can kindly ask the Brewery if they could pour you your favorite beer, but it’s at the discretion of the Brewery whether they can accommodate your request. The reason for it not being served could possibly be that the alcohol content is too high to serve at this event. So please be respectful, they are NOT allowed to sell you ANY alcohol until the event is over.  So PLEASE DO NOT ask them to sell you alcohol during the Event. The WA State Liquor Control Board will shut down the PBR for this type of action.

Is there anything I need to bring on Event day?

Yes, please make sure you have your bib…YES we’ve had this happen.  A valid ID showing you’re over 21, also money or credit card if you plan to purchase shirts or food along the way. If you were unable to tip the Bar staff during registration they would love your kindness then.